La Loba
Au-delà de toute marche
À propos de moi
Copy of Vocal Music
Choral Music
Text by Amy Scurria
SATB choir and piano
Available from Adamo Press
Duration: ~ 8 minutes
Commissioned for the Contemporary American Vocal Music Initiative by Dr. Jerron Jorgensen and the Choirs of Southern Oregon University
Text by Julia Pritchett
SSAA choir and piano
Duration: ~ 4 min & 30 sec
Commissioned by The Women's Hope Chorale, Leanne Magnuson Latuda, Music Director
Text by Jim Haba
SATB choir a cappella
Duration: ~ 4 minutes
Commissioned by the Triad Vocal Ensemble, Maestra Virginia Johnston for the 2011 Canticles for Life AIDS Benefit Concert
Text by ee cummings
SATB choir and piano (or organ)
Commissioned by Kathleen Scipione to Commemorate the 80th Birthday of Mae Muchorski
Text by Gordon Loos
SATB choir and organ (or piano)
Duration: ~ 2 min 30 sec
Commissioned by the Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church in Honor of Director of Music, Jeffrey Brillhart
Text by Christina Rosetti
Commissioned by Youth Pro Musica
Text by Dag Hammarskjöld
SATB choir and organ/piano
Commissioned by the Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church Choir in Honor of the Retirement of John Moon
children's choir and piano
Commissioned by the Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church
Text: Psalm 100 (in Portuguese)
Duration: ~ 3 minutes
Commissioned by the Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church for the Brazil Choir Tour. Dedicated to the People of Brazil.
Commissioned by the Shepherd College Concert Choir, Maestro Scott Williamson
Text by Li-Young Lee, Kate Farrell, and Wu-men
SSAA choir a cappella - in three movements
Duration: ~ 12 minutes
Commissioned by SHE, Maestra Sally Hoskins
Text: Psalm 1:1-3
Available from Theodore Presser Company
Text: I Corinthians 15:51-52
Duration: ~ 2 min & 40 sec
Composed at the EAMA. Premiered in Paris, France